I filled out a form for graduation, receiving my diploma and decided that I would go through with the ceremony. It should be fun! I mean, after all the time and effort I've put into it, I deserve that celebration. I can't wait for it either.
My short narrative got some pretty positive feedback, which I was happy about. The professor also gave our row a hard time, when it came to my piece, as well as giving an analogy of what he pictured while reading my poem. Me, in an empty white room looking extremely sad, while Toni and Amanda pass me by in their caps and gowns, earning degrees, while I'm standing in the same position. If I hadn't just found out about graduation, I probably would've been depressed about the mention of that, but this time I laughed it off. Picturing it myself was pretty hilarious!
After class, I met Michele at her car and headed back to town. I filled her in on the news, and she was so excited for me! I felt so good about all of it, like I'm finally on my way. I was reminded of God's goodness and how everything does always work out, so I should just enjoy whatever season I'm in, instead of trying to rush it all. We also talked about my mom's surgery coming up on Thursday, and how I'm really going to have to step up with chores around the house. I'm not used to doing anything, so this is going to be a stretch/learning experience for me. I'm nervous about it, to be honest. But, Michele said if I need any help, to call her, which is comforting.
I made it back to my house, ate lunch quickly, then off to the Bakersfield Art Museum my mom and I went.
I had only been to the museum a couple times for weddings, but I'd never been inside to actually look at the artwork. I couldn't believe how cool everything actually was! The way everyone comes up with such detail and the crazy, off the wall ideas is incredible. There were a lot of pieces made out of books, whether it was a painting or some sort of sculpture. Who knew you could even do such things with them?! It was a fun time. Although, I didn't care for the whispering the entire time. It was so empty in there, but it's so awkward if your conversation echoes HAHA! There's even a beautiful garden in back, complete with a gazebo and a bunch of different flowers. It was so nice just walking around, admiring everything.
Across the street, there were a couple huge antique stores that I wanted to check out. My mom and I never got a chance to do our special "fall day" because it hasn't felt like fall exactly, and now she's going to be down for awhile, so we thought we'd do a little bit yesterday. I just love antique stores, which is funny, because when my grandma used to take me to them all the time when I was younger, I got so tired of them. This one had so many neat treasures! I love guessing who might've owned them or what their story had been, or even where the person who owned the item was from!
I really want to find a case like this! |
Vintage cameras are the coolest decorations! |
My mom and I ran a few more errands, grabbed some tea from Chic-Fil-A, went to Kohl's to pick up a few things and headed home. It was a pretty chill afternoon, then we had to run some errands with my dad that night. The rest of the night we just watched TV, and I did some homework. Nothing too crazy, you know! I worked on homework, and tried to catch up on some things that will be due pretty soon that I've waited until the last minute on.
That's all for now,
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