October 19, 2014

Where did the time go?

I can't believe we're already in the middle of October. How is this month passing off so quickly? How are we already halfway through this quarter? Although, that one I'm not complaining about so much. This is my last quarter as the Features Editor and the pace is so intense, I'm not going to lie. You'd think for this being my third quarter as an editor, things would be smooth sailing. But, like so many other things in life, there's always some obstacle that needs to be overcome or So many writers, so many stories, so many things that need art. Everything needs scheduling and planning. And I'm just going crazy.

It's also probably hard to believe because it doesn't feel like fall at all. It's just barely starting to cool down, and even then, it's pretty limited.

My head has been spinning with a million different things about school, life, crushes, etc.
I haven't been feeling all that well lately.
I've been working out with a trainer and friend, Athena.
I've also been trying to take the pressure off myself a little bit more. I'm young. I need to enjoy it more.
Went to Nashville and also got to hang out with Lady Antebellum.
I covered "The Best of Me" premiere in Hollywood for Country Weekly, where I interviewed the stars, got to see the movie along with everyone else and went to the after party to see Lady A perform.
I'm trying to keep up with homework and graduating and figuring out what I want to do after college.
I've been trying to spend more time with my friends, even if it's just a lunch date here or movie there - I need to hold onto my friendships, especially the ones that I know without a shadow of a doubt that I can trust.
My family has been visiting, which has been a TON of fun. We've eaten a lot and spent a lot of time together - Which has involved a lot of TV watching, laughing and looking at our iPads (we're a techie family..What can I say?)

Basically, I'm trying not to rush. It's easy to want to be done, because I'm annoyed with school and I'm getting major senioritis. But, when I really stop and think that these could be the last moments with the people I'm hanging out with, it reminds me to take a deep breath and to live a little. Everything doesn't have to be SO darn serious all the time. I need to learn to laugh a little more and love a little more, which I have been lately, and it has been paying off. My life has felt richer. When you speak your mind, when you do what YOU want to do, and because you want to do it...I don't know, something about it, just makes me feel SO FREE. That's a true blessing.

Some of these days have been dark. As incredible and awesome as they've been, there have been many restless nights and a lot of prayers sent to God over a variety of topics. But, I just keep reminding myself that the bigger the battle, the better the blessing will be in the end. I really can't complain right now, even when things are difficult, even when I just want to cry because of how DONE and over the day I am. I have a wonderful support system and I wonder daily how I would have made it this far without them. God never gives up on me and loves me unconditionally, even when I'm less than where I could be.

So, I'm just going to keep going. I'm going to be completely and 100% who I am, and if people don't like it, well, that's just too bad. It's kind of an empowering thing when people are trying to change you or want you to live your life this way or that, and you just keep on doing what you're doing. It bothers them a little, and that's okay.

That's all for now,

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