December 27, 2011

Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories- Alabama (great song, especially for a slideshow)

I have so many wonderful memories and traditions that have taken place at Christmastime, from the traditional things like leaving out a plate of milk and cookies for Santa, Christmas plays, and Christmas lights to trips with the family and other original moments. So many magical things happen in December, because it's the time of year that we can all feel like kids again, no matter what age.

Here are a few of my favorite memories:

  • Opening a present every Christmas Eve, usually at 5:00 sharp; all day I would stare at the clock waiting for it to be that time.
  • Being in church and school Christmas plays...that was always a HUGE deal for me!
  • Putting up Christmas decorations right before Thanksgiving the past few years
  • Hanging the Christmas lights the day after Thanksgiving
  • Going to CALM to look at lights with the Newtons
  • Ice skating with my best friends freshmen year of high school
  • Reciting "The Night Before Christmas" when I was about five, and everyone was so impressed that I could remember it
  • When my aunt, uncles, and cousins from Utah visited and we were gone practically all of Christmas week. We went to LA, the beach, and had an AMAZING time.
  • My grandma and grandpa's house all decorated like Santa's Toyshop practically when they were here. We'd watch Christmas movies, have a fire going, and doing all sorts of festive things
  • Baking cookies at my aunt's house after finals one day, my sophomore year of high school
  • Christmas parties in elementary school and Jr. Hi
  • Going to Disneyland at Christmas
  • Singing George Strait's "New Kid in Town", and every year saying we'd record it for Grandma. I'll never get a chance to :*(
  • Making a gingerbread house and Christmas music videos with my best friend a couple years ago
  • Driving around to look at Christmas lights usually in the same neighborhood every year
  • Hollywood Christmas parade this year
  • Christmas Eve service the past couple years
  • When we used to get together at my aunt's apartment every year. We'd eat something like a platter from Subway, open presents, play the "find the pickle in the tree" game, and just enjoy being together
  • Watching all the holiday episodes of my favorite shows
  • Doing "Secret Santa" with my best friends
As you can see, I could go on and on....These are just a few I could remember off the top of my head! I love Christmastime, and it will always be a big deal for me. 

That's all for now,

What are some of your favorite holiday memories?

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